8 June 2012
Hotline: Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club (OFNC)
Phone number: 613-860-9000
For the Bird Status Line PRESS * (star)
To report bird sightings PRESS 1 (one)
Coverage: Ottawa/Gatinau (Canada National Capital Region)
E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler & transcriber Bob Cermak robertcerm...@hotmail.com or
There have been a number of interesting sightings in the Ottawa/Gatineau area 
this past week.
ARCTIC TERNS continue to be reported (from May 29th through June 2nd) on the 
Ottawa River over the Deschenes rapids at Britannia Point. At the same location 
on June 3rd 4 birders saw an adult breeding plumage LAUGHING GULL flying over 
the rapids then out of sight towards Mud Lake. A first record for the OFNC area 
EURASIAN COLLARED DOVE was seen and photographed the evening of June 5th at 
back yard feeders on Country Road 29 just east of Pakenham. A 3rd record for 
the OFNC area adult breeding plumage male SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER was seen 
and photographed by a number of local birders 100 meters east of March Road on 
Diamondview Road from mid afternoon to dusk on June 6th. None of these 3 birds 
were subsequently found. 
The TRUMPETER SWAN continues to be seen on Constance Creek east of the bridge 
on Thomas Dolan. It appears that this bird spends a portion of every day and 
may be present every night at this location. 
Other interesting sightings were;
- Larose Forest continues to be a great location to find local breeding birds, 
15 species of WARBLERS were heard in the past week including up to 5 CANADA and 
- the Casselman and Embrun lagoons continue to host small numbers of shore 
- 2 WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS were seen at the Embrun lagons on June 3rd
- the St Albert lagoons have pairs of breeding COMMON GALLINULE, AMERICAN COOTS 
and PIED-BILLED GREBES and occasionally WILSON'S PHALAROPES have been seen as 
- shore birds such as LEAST SANDPIPER and SEMIPALMATED PLOVERS have been seen 
on a flooded field near the corner of Anderson and Russell Roads 
- RUDDY TURNSTONES have been seen on the rocks in the Deschenes rapids on a 
number of occasions
- up to 6 BLACK and numbers of COMMON TERNS as well as numbers of BONAPARTE'S 
GULLS have also been seen at the Deschenes rapids
- 2 and possibly 3 COMMON NIGHTHAWKS and numbers of WHIP-POOR-WILLS were seen 
and heard on the Thomas Dolan Carp Ridge
- UPLAND SANDPIPERS, which have been increasing difficult to find in this area, 
were seen on June 5th about 100 meters past 1188 Donald B Munro Drive and on 
Dunrobin Road in the horse pastures west of Woodlawn
Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations - Good Birding!
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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