One juvenile Red-necked Phalarope (likely one of the two originally reported a 
week ago by Eric Jeffrey, and subsequently by Steve Thorpe), was still present 
in the large southeast cell of the West Perth Wetlands this morning.  The ten 
other shorebird species present included a Stilt Sandpiper.  
Four species of swallow included a couple of Bank Swallows, which I haven't 
seen in this area in several weeks.  Also a bit of a surprise were a male and 
two female Ring-necked Ducks, among the moderate numbers and diversity of other 

Directions, from Steve Thorpe's post: West Perth Wetlands are in Mitchell.  
From Hwy 8 (Ontario Street) travel south on Wellington St to Frank Street.  
Cross over and follow the gravel road to the parking lot.
jjalava at
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