Hi fellow birders,
Today Lynne & Bill Richardson & I birded the west side of Minnesing Wetlands 
north of Angus.  Our target bird, the Sandhill Crane didn't disappoint us.  
There was a massing of several hundred Sandhills at around 5PM on the north 
side of the 9th concession, Sunnidale in Clearwater Township, in a decobbed 
corn field north of the home at firelane 4440.  The birds were distant enough 
that the red hoods were difficult to see so a scope is helpfull.  It is always 
a stirring sight to see so many of these beautiful birds.  There are few bailed 
or cobbed corn fields in the area this year so the normal Strongville locals 
are not as promising.  There were 15 birds near the big silos in the field west 
of the 18th/19th Sideroad, Sunnidale.   These birds are probably best seen in 
the morning or late in the afternoon when they leave the wetlands to feed.  
There seemed to be quite a few juveniles this year.
Of note we also had many clusters of mixed blackbirds & a murder of about 100 
crows in flight & there were several Northern Harriers including a female that 
hovered & hunted for a good five minutes for us.  We also had an interesting 
Red Tailed Hawk with a very rufous head & back & white front with some pale 
streaks that was banded. Other birds were what one would expect at this time of 
year & they are plentiful. 
To reach 4440 9th Concession Sunnidale go North from Angus on Brentwood Rd 
(County road 10) to 9th Concession & turn right or East.  From HWY 400 exit at 
Dunlop Street West & travel west to Brentwood Rd (County road 10), turn right & 
follow to 9th Concession & turn right or East.  
Good birding,
Susan Menzies,
Alliston, Ontario
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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