Hi Ontbirders:
The Northern Hawk Owl along Bowesville Road off Leitrim Road did not disappoint 
early this afternoon.  It perched near the road for quite a bit of time 
offering great views of it.  Earlier in the day, I saw one female Pine Grosbeak 
perched along Grandview road as I drove by with windows rolled down.  Heard it 
before I saw it.  A possible Northern Shrike at a feeder in the Shirley's Bay 
area as I heard some squawking from the jays and then saw a shrike like bird 
(brief fleeting glimpse) which hovered briefly before it flew away.  Thanks.
Northern Hawk Owl from today
W. Hum
Courtesy of Kevin Hannah: Directions - from Hunt Club Rd, drive south on 
Riverside Dr. until it turns into Limebank Rd. Turn east on Leitrim Rd. until 
you come to Bowesville Rd (on right, immediately after passing the airport on 
left). Turn south on Bowesville Rd, driving approximately 700-800 m south.  
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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