Greetings all,

About 30 birders showed up for today's Cobourg Harbour/ Presqu'ile field trip. Birders came from as far as the Kingston Area, Peterborough, the GTA and the Bruce to enjoy a fantastic (weather wise) day in the field - Gull Island in just a shirt in mid November!. No major rarities were found but we did see 72 species with several nice birds.

Cobourg harbour was fairly quiet but allowed for nice views of various waterbirds including Am. Wigeon, Ww Scoter, Am Coot, Snow Bunting and close scope views of a single Common Redpoll. Our only pigeon and house sparrow were here too!

At Presqu'ile we checked Beach 1, then walked out to Owen Pt. and around Gull Island, then to the Lighthouse area, Gilmour's yard and the causeway marsh. Most of our birds were found in this portion of the trip. Highlights included all three scoters among most of the common ducks, a single R-t Loon north of Gull is., 5 Killdeer, 3 White- rumped, 4 Pectoral, 8 Dunlin, 25+ W Snipe all on the mudflats off the causeway - amazingly no shorebirds were seen on the beach or Gull Is., although some birders reported a big flock of Dunlin and some Sanderling earlier in the day. Two immature Snowy Owls on small islands and shoals off Gull Is. were the highlight for most, especially given the great views we had. Several Cedar Waxwing flocks were noted and one party found some Bohemian's near the Camp Office. Eight pipits and 20 Snow Buntings were also on Gull Island. Two W-t Sparrows at Fred Helleiner's place and a single Fox Sparrow at Bill Gilmour's garden, as well as siskins rounded out the list.

We also checked Gosport hoping to see the long-staying Hudsonian Godwit, but it was nowhere to be seen.

Thank you to all for coming and I really hoped you enjoyed Presqu'ile and all it's great places. Thanks also to Ron Tozer for being deputized as co-leader, and all the generous birders who shared their skills, scopes and kindness with the group.


Doug McRae

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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