Sigh - I guess hawks don't actually fly on Wednesday's  - yesterday was another 
lovely hawkless day but the other birds made up for it ...


resident hawks: 2 Red-tails, 1 Sharp-shinned and a Merlin - no migrants

other birds: 

1 Boreal Chickadee (11 a.m. and then it disappeared for a long time) 
1 Horned Grebe (on the lake but visible form the platform)
1 American Coot
1 Barred Owl (long-staying and well photographed bird - a second bird joined it 
for a short while)
3 Yellow-rumped Warblers
2 Fox Sparrows
1 White-winged Crossbill
12 Common Redpolls

Thickson's Point:

I couldn't find either the Brant or the Eurasian Wigeon amongst the hundreds of 
puddle ducks that were there, but an immature White-fronted Goose was on the 
rocks just offshore preening. A Northern Mockingbird was at the parking lot on 
Thickson's in full song and a Yellow-rumped Warbler flitted in the trees.

Cranberry is at the foot of Hall's Road in south Whitby. Exit 401 at Salem, 
south to Bayly, then east to Hall's Road then south to 2nd parking area on left.

OFO Hawkwatching Guide (ID tips, migration times, hawk basics)

Thickson's Point is at the foot of Thickson's Road in Whitby. Just before the 
road curves to the east to go to the private residences, you will see a small 
parking area on your right. Park here and walk south about 10' to the 
TranCanada Trail and then follow it west. There are several small trails that 
run south from it that give you great views of the waterfowl on the lakes. 
Birds were scattered all along the shore between here and the blue pavilion to 
the west.

Geoff Carpentier

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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