To OntBirds, Midd-Elgin Observations and OVN Members,

The Otter Valley Naturalists and friends did the Christmas Bird Count on 
December 16th, 2012.

This count is relatively new, so stats don't mean too much, but our species 
count is in-line with previous years with 84 species.  

Total bird numbers were 19,790.

Weather in early morning had rain up to about 8am, then thankfully the rain 
stopped and we had a great day with clouds until mid afternoon and then a spot 
of sunshine.

Thanks to all the participants and the great potluck round-up dinner.

Species 2012 Total
Horned Grebe    2                
Great Blue Heron        1
Turkey Vulture  2
Canada Goose    1517
Tundra Swans    90 
Wood Duck       1
Gadwall 1 (new)
American Wigeon 2
American Black Duck     50
Mallard Duck    110      
Northern Shoveler       3
Northern Pintail        7 
Redhead 3
Ring-necked Duck         
Lesser Scaup    1
White-winged Scoter     1
Bufflehead      4
Common Goldeneye        4
Hooded Merganser        6
Common Merganser        53
Red-breasted Merganser  7179
Bald Eagle      11 (under review)
Northern Harrier        2
Sharp-shinned Hawk      2
Cooper's Hawk   7
Red-tailed Hawk 39
Golden Eagle    2
Am. Kestrel     2        
Ring-necked Pheasant    1
Ruffed Grouse   1
Wild Turkey     70
Little Gull     12
Bonaparte's Gull        1554
Ring-billed Gull        961
Herring Gull    404
Glaucous Gull   1
Great black-backed Gull 12
Rock Pigeon       275
Mourning Dove   582
E. Screech-Owl  8
Great Horned Owl        2 
Belted Kingfisher        7
Red-headed Woodpecker    2 (new)
Red-bellied Woodpecker  25 
Downy Woodpecker        61
Hairy Woodpecker        18
Northern Flicker        7
Pileated Woodpecker     3
Northern Shrike 1
Blue Jay        131
A. Crow 1888
Horned Lark     14
Black-capped Chickadee  433
Red-breasted Nuthatch   50
White-breasted Nuthatch 76
Brown Creeper   3
Carolina Wren   8 
Winter Wren     3 
Golden-crowned Kinglet  19 
Eastern Bluebird        35
Northern Mocking Bird   3
European Starling       447 
Yellow-rumped Warbler   7        
Eastern Towhee  1        
Am. Tree Sparrow        251
Chipping Sparrow        5
Field Sparrow   9
Song Sparrow    43
Swamp Sparrow   6
White-throated Sparrow  15
White-crowned Sparrow   2
Dark-eyed Junco 1091 
N. Cardinal     117
Red-winged Blackbird    66
Rusty Blackbird 5 
Common Grackle  56
Brown-headed Cowbird    65 
Purple Finch    10
House Finch     63 
Common Redpoll  123
Hoary Redpoll   1
Pine Siskin     302
Am. Goldfinch   235
Evening Grosbeak        1 (new)
House Sparrow   944

Total Species   84
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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