The Eurasian Wigeon was there today and as previously reported, it was
relatively close to shore.  However, it was on the EAST side of the point
today, as that is where the calmer waters were - in contrast to most
previous reports that had it just west of the point. 


Go to the south end of Thickson Rd.  Take the paved path going southwest.
When you get to the sign that says "Thickson's Point/You are Here",  you
should go another 50 or so meters along the path before turning south to the
lake. From here you can see the point itself from the east.  


As bonus birds, Frances and I also saw around 5 pipits on the algae-covered
rocks on the main shoreline just east of the point, plus (while walking the
main trail toward the point) Kestrel, Red-tailed Hawk, Harrier, Mockingbird
and a possible Rough-Legged Hawk. Since we didn't get a good enough look to
confirm, if anyone else has seen a Rough-Legged in that area recently, can
you pls let know by private email?


Happy New Year and good birding to all!


Jack and Frances Alvo

Home 416-462-9851


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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