I never know what I'm going to see on a given day on the Little River from my deck, as the pollution control plant keeps this waterway open and unfrozen all winter.

Right now there is a female Ring-necked Duck swimming around with the 25 or so Mallards. Two days ago a small group of Hooded Mergansers came in. More interesting ducks tend to hang closer to the pollution control plant but can be seen with a scope from my deck.

The Black-crowned Night Herons (2) are seen almost nightly coming in to roost on the far shore.

The feeders are currently hosting 6 Red-winged Blackbirds, a large number of Eastern Juncos and American Goldfinch, both nuthatches, Red-bellied Woodpecker, American Tree Sparrows, two Downy Woodpeckers and other expected feeder birds.

Directions: Mine is the fifth driveway south of Wyandotte on the east side of Riverdale Avenue. If you wish to come, please park behind my black VW or behind the shed (but not in my downstairs neighbour's spot or behind her red car) and come quietly around back and up the deck steps. 519-564-6945.

Here is a Google map. http://bit.ly/X0yVsw

Kelly Morrissey, Windsor
Be who you are and say what you feel, for those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. -Dr. Seuss

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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