Yesterday afternoon, driving west out of Port Rowan, past the Bird
Studies Canada (BSC)  Headquarters, crossing Hwy 59, and onto Lakeshore
Rd., we saw several small groups (3-25 birds) of Sandhill Cranes totally
59 individuals. Several groups of 3-5 birds were foraging in stubble
cornfields on both sides of the road ;  the group of 25+/- was standing
and foraging in a small stream/creek on the north side of the road with
25-50 Canada Geese. Two other small groups of cranes were seen also in
other open-water areas along Lakeshore Rd. 


Directions: From the south end of the town of Port Rowan at the overlook
of Long Point Bay, continue west, past BSC Headquarters, cross over Hwy
59 and continue on what becomes Lakeshore Rd.  All the cranes were
within the first 1-2 kms of Lakeshore Rd.


Chip and Linda Weseloh

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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