Good morning

Ian Cannell and I birded some of the Long Point areas that the Burrells  
mentioned on their yesterday and we saw some birds they may have missed.

At Lee Brown we arrived just minutes after a white morph Snow Goose landed and 
after looking at this bird we quickly found the 2 White-fronted Geese.

We also came up with 4 Bald Eagles, Sandhill Cranes (in Big Creek Marsh), 
Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Carolina Wren, E. Bluebirds, Field Sparrow, Killdeer, 
Turkey Vultures, Pine Siskins, Common Redpolls, and Rusty Blackbirds.

We missed the reported Towhee at Old Cut Woods.

Besides the thousands of waterfowl seen by others on Inner bay off Big Creek 
Marsh we also watched as a Golden Eagle cruised over the bay and dove a few 
times on some of those waterfowl.

At the Townsend sewage lagoons and in a field just to the south of them were 
approx. 600 Tundra Swans and in the lagoons we counted a total of 16 species of 
waterfowl in 2 of the lagoons (the other 2 were still ice covered) including 
Cackling Goose, Green-winged Teal, N. Pintail, Shoveler, Ruddy and Ring-necked 

For the day we saw a total of 27 waterfowl species.

A cool day but a nice day to be out there.



Port Rowan is southwest of Hamilton, to reach it you can drive south on Hwy 6 
from Hamilton, passing through Hagersville and turning right, west in Jarvis 
onto Hwy 3, drive to Simcoe and turn left, south on Hwy 24 and follow this to 
Hwy 59, ( it curves to the west south of Simcoe) and your in the Long Point 
Turn left (south) on Hwy 59 at Hwy 24 and Port Rowan is straight down Hwy 59 
(about 6 kms) on County Rd 42 (Lakeshore Rd), Big Creek Marsh, etc. are just a 
little further south of County Rd 42.
Or you can exit Hwy 403 just west of Brantford. Exit at Hwy 24 South at Exit 91 
and drive south through Simcoe and follow it to Hwy 59, ( it curves to the west 
south of Simcoe) and your in the Long Point Area. 


  To get to the sanctuary drive south on Hwy 6 from Hamilton, passing through 
Hagersville and turning right, west in Jarvis onto Hwy 3, drive to Simcoe and 
turn left, south on Hwy 24 and follow this to Hwy 59, ( it curves to the west 
south of town) turn left, south on Hwy 59 and drive right down about 7 1/2 km 
to Lakeshore Road (or Road 42) and turn right (west) off Hwy 59 onto this road. 
(This is the last road before the Long Point Causeway). (a gas station on your 
left and a driving range on your right). Drive over the bridge over Big Creek 
at Port Royal and watch on your left side (south) for the parking area with the 
viewing platform and a washroom and probably birders during migration.
This is just a small pond and some cedars off the side of the road.


On the way down to Long Point on Hwy 6 you will pass through Hagersville and 
drive towards Jarvis. Just as you approach the town of Jarvis you will see a 
sign indicating “TOWNSEND” at Nanticoke Creek Parkway #69. Turn right here and 
drive to the intersection with the stop signs, turn left on Keith Richardson 
Parkway and drive past some park ponds on your right. Drive ahead until you 
reach County Rd 14. This is just before you reach the abandoned railway line 
(tracks removed). Turn right here onto County Rd 14 and drive a few hundred 
yards and you will see a gate and sign indicating that this is a waste 
treatment area. Park well to the side of the road, do not block the gate. If 
the gate is open (they are on sometimes) then do not park directly across from 
the gate as the larger “Honey Trucks” need the area to swing into and out of 
the entrance road.
These lagoons are accessible each day and on the weekend but if asked to leave 
or not enter then please be respectful and comply as it seems that for now we 
are being tolerated.

Norm Murr
Richmond Hill
Ontario, Canada
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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