Good evening.

This morning Ian Cannell and I birded Algonquin Provincial Park and though we 
missed a Spruce Grouse that was reported wandering along Opeongo Road we did 
okay anyway.

At approximately 6;30 am we spotted a Great Gray Owl on a hydro wire along Hwy 
60 at KM 10.5 and we then headed for the Spruce Bog area where we had the first 
of 4 Black-backed Woodpeckers and the first of 3 Boreal Chickadees. We also had 
several Common Redpolls and a Sharp-shinned Hawk there and on the boardwalk Ian 
spotted a tiny moth, our first of the season.

It was then off to Opeongo Road where we found another Black-backed Woodpecker 
and 2 more Boreal Chickadees along with a few more Common Redpolls.

We then headed to the East Gate so Ian could buy a park pass and on the way we 
stopped at KM 53 where Black-backed Woodpeckers had been seen earlier in the 
week and we lucked into a pair of them along with a Pileated Woodpecker.

Our last stop before heading down to the Carden Alvar was the park Visitor 
Centre. At the centre feeders behind the building were about 35 more Common 
Redpolls and as I stood there looking at them a very noisy Common Raven flew 
over heading south and it rose up and joined what I thought was another Raven 
that turned out to be a juvenile Golden Eagle that slowly circled as it drifted 
north overhead giving us nice views of the Golden Head as the sun shone on it.

Now it was time to head south, see my next posting.

Norm Murr
Richmond Hill
Ontario, Canada
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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