Little Gull 53. Several groups (up to 17 birds at a time) doing courtship 
flights most of the time. Several visible pairs have formed over the last few 

Other Gulls: Bonaparte's Gulls 2818, Immature Glaucous Gull, 3 immature Great 
black-backed Gulls. 

Terns: 6 Caspian

Shorebirds: single Killdeer, Spotted Sandpiper, and Greater Yellowlegs

Waterfowl 20 species:including 2 Cackling Geese, 8 Ruddy Ducks, 73 Green-winged 
Teal, and 12 Northern Shovelers. 

Other birds observed this morning included: Pine and Palm Warblers, Eastern 
Towhee, Fox Sparrow, Blue gray Gnatcatcher, Common Raven, and Rusty Blackbird.

Little Gull viewing weekend
April 27 & 28 (Saturday/Sunday)  annual Little Gull viewing at 
Second Marsh, from dawn to 9:30 am.
Viewing will occur from the 'GM' platform.  Park in the west General Motors 
of Canada parking lot (off Colonel Sam Drive), enter the trail from the 
southwest corner of the lot, and follow directional signs to the platform. 
Directions Exit from the 401 at the Harmony Rd. Exit(419) in Oshawa. Go south on
Farewell St. Colonel Sam Drive. Turn East onto Colonel Sam Drive and follow
to the parking lot at the GM Headquarters. Park in the west parking lot
close to the marsh. The east (GM) platform is visible from the NW corner of
the lot. For a trail map of the Oshawa Second marsh area visit and check the link for a 
trail map of
the area. Tyler Hoar
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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