On behalf of the Pelee Island Heritage Centre and Museum (PIHC), the Pelee
Island Bird Observatory (PIBO) will be posting daily migration updates from
the island during the month of May.

It was an active morning at Fish Point and another impressive reverse
migration kept the few bird enthusiasts on the island (5 individuals!) busy
counting hundreds of migrants moving south on the west beach. Nashville
Warblers dominated, with Yellow-rumps and Palms a close second and third,
along with lots of orioles and moderate numbers Scarlet Tanagers, pipits,
waxwings, flickers, and others.

Fifteen warbler species were tallied at the point by two PIBO staff
including spring 'firsts' for Blue-winged, Orange-crowned and
Chestnut-sided, and two surprisingly early arrivals were banded - a male
Blackpoll and male Wilson's Warbler.

A lot of the waterfowl observed in April have departed and there are still
only a few flycatchers about, but vireo and thrush totals continue to build,
along with increased numbers of Ruby-crowned Kinglet, White-throated, and E.
White-crowned Sparrow.  


Graeme Gibson

Pelee Island, ON



Pelee Island Heritage Centre West Dock, Pelee Island, Ontario, N0R
1M0(519)724-2291 "pimuseum" <pimuseum at hotmail.com> The Heritage Centre is
open from 10 am - 5 pm daily. The foyer contains a 'sightings board' listing
May bird sightings (open 24 hours). 

Pelee Island Bird Observatory (PIBO) continues its daily banding and census
operation. Visitors are welcome. For more information about PIBO 

please visit: www.pibo.ca or call 519-724-2829. 

Pelee Island can be reached by ferry leaving Leamington several times daily.
For times and reservations, call 1-800-661-2220. 

The 11th Annual Pelee Island Bird Race will take place from noon Friday, May
10th to noon, Saturday, May 11th.  

The Heritage Centre's Springsong Celebration will be held on the island from
May 10th - 12th. The Bird Race is 'All-Green,' i.e. bicycle or pedestrian
travel. All teams welcome! Contact the Heritage Centre for details.


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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