I apologise for a rather imprecise location, but it was getting dark under 
lowering skies with occasional rain, I wasn't about to stop. Last evening while 
driving south on Buckhorn Road, just south of the town of Buckhorn, a sandhill 
crane flew at low altitude from west to east over the road. A check on Google 
Maps shows a marshy area to the east of Buckhorn Road, I presume it was heading 
for that, as it did seem to go into a descending glide after it crossed the 
road and went behind trees.

The town of Buckhorn is located at the intersection of County Road 36, Buckhorn 
Road, and Lakehurst Road, at the northeast end of Buckhorn Lake. Traveling 
northeast from Toronto would take approximately 2 hours. GPS coordinates for 
the flyover point would be approximately N 44.54206° W 078.32965°

Dave Bailey
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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