Hello birders,

Another good morning for birding at Rondeau with reasonable numbers and
diversity of warblers around.

We have not received reports from any trail besides South Point, but
sightings here this morning include Black-billed Cuckoo, Northern Parula,
Mourning, Canada, Wilson's, Blackpoll, Cape May and Blue-winged Warbler.

A Yellow-throated Warbler was present again at the Mcarthurs' cottage,
#17372 just north of the visitor centre this morning.

Thank you to everyone who contributed sightings and please continue to do
so at the Visitor Centre.

More information on the park's nature programs and the Friends of
Rondeau is available at the Friends' website:

Take exit 101 from Highway 401 and drive South 16 km on Chatham Kent
Road 15.  Turn right and follow the signs to the park.  The Bird
Sightings Book, Bird Sightings Board, Bird Checklists and other
relevant information are to be found at the Visitor Centre.  To reach
the Visitor Centre from the park Gate, travel 6 km South on Rondeau
Road to Gardiner Ave., then follow it around the bend to the parking

Reuven Martin

Friends of Rondeau Bird Guide
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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