Regardless of the cool temperature and wind making birds harder to find,
today's (26 May) trip attended by 58 participants was a success with a total
of 79 species. Best birds were:

Loggerhead Shrike at bluebird box 10 seen on both sides of Wylie Road.

Upland Sandpiper on a rock along Shrike Road.

Clay-colored Sparrow on Prospect Road. We had the best close views ever on a
Carden trip. It was singing too.

Least Bittern seen close and well in flight at the cattail marsh south of
Canal Lake.

Virginia Rail viewed at Prospect Marsh.

Other birds seen or heard included Red-shouldered Hawk, Merlin, Cliff
Swallow, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Alder Flycatcher, Brown Thrasher,
Golden-winged Warbler, Eastern Meadowlark, Bobolink and Eastern Towhee. 

Alvars are globally rare habitats. An excellent brochure titled "Experience
the Carden Alvar on Foot" is available at the viewing blind near bluebird
box 10 on Wylie Road. A map shows the trails for you to enjoy the alvar.
Another map shows the properties acquired to preserve the Carden Alvar with
more in the works, which is the major conservation story of the 21 Century.
We anticipate that the Cameron and Windmill Ranches will soon be designated
Carden Alvar Provincial Park giving the alvar legal protection under the
Provincial Parks Act (Ontario). Ontario has one of the best park systems,
which includes world famous parks such as Polar Bear, Quetico, Algonquin,
and soon Carden Alvar.

Directions: OFO Carden Guide and Map.

I thank Ron Pittaway, Ron Tozer, Eleanor Beagan and others for helping
enthusiastic participants to see birds.

Jean Iron
Trip Leader
Ontario Field Ornithologists

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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