Hi Everyone
With the water levels still high along the Ottawa River and at various eastern 
lagoons I finally had my first south bound shorebirds this morning along the 
Carp River at Carp. In the flooded fields off Rivington Street were a small 
number of adult shorebirds; 2 Lesser Yellowlegs, 1 Greater Yellowlegs, 2 
Solitary Sandpiper and 2 Least Sandpiper. Also present were 2 Sora, 1 Virginia 
Rail, 1 Common Gallinule and 2 Common Tern. Along Donald B. Munro Drive just 
past Marathon, 3 adult Sandhill Cranes were feeding in a field. At the corner 
of Panmure Road and Upper Dwyer Hill Road 1 Upland Sandpiper was observed along 
with numerous Eastern Meadowlark and Bobolinks. Also observed in the same area 
were numerous flocks of juvenile European Starling, Red-winged Blackbird, and 
Common Grackle. If you require additional information, please email me 
Good birding,

Di Labio Birding Website
Courses and Field Trips

Bruce Di Labio
400 Donald B. Munro Drive
P.O. Box 538
Carp, Ontario
K0A 1L0 
Office 613-839-4395 Cell 613-715-2571
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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