Recently I posted sightings at the Almonte Lagoons and I provided directions 
that were in part incorrect.   This has lead to some birders unknowingly 
crossing private property which we do not have access to.  Apologies to all for 
this;  All I can say is it was an unintended mistake on my part caused by some 
uncertainty with the existing signage.  I am reposting the directions below to 
clarify how to get to the viewing stand along a path provided specially for 
cheers and sorry for any inconvenience
>From Ottawa you can reach Almonte by going west on 417 until you reach the 
>March Rd exit and go west on it until Almonte.  Go right through town without 
>turning until you reach Cty Rd 29 on the west side of town.  Continue straight 
>through the lights at 29 onto Wolf Grove Rd and go to the first cross road 
>which has an old church on the corner called the Auld Kirk.  Turn right and go 
>maybe 100 or so meters to a double metal gate on the right side.  There is a 
>sign beside the gate indicating the viewing platform sponsored by Mississippi 
>Valley Field Naturalists and that the path is further up the road from the 
>gates.  The entrance is 40 meters further along from the metal gates on the 
>right side beside a hydro pole.  Therefore do not enter at the metal gates.    
Take the path cut through the trees and once at the edge of the field go 
immediately left and follow the path parallel to the road side tree line which 
has been mowed.  The path goes to the woods  and through the woods to the 
viewing stand.  Please bird from the viewing stand only and obey all No 
Trespassing signs. 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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