
           A large group of enthusiastic birders (40+) showed up at Hutches'
On The Beach, for what turned out to be a pretty good day of birding.
Conditions were overcast, mild, and a good east wind was blowing in from the
lake. We counted a conservative estimate of 84 species, but not everyone saw
every species, as some of the group elected to stay at the beach where the
birding was as good as it's been in the history of field trips that I have
led to this area. An adult Gannet, all three Jaeger species as well as a
Black-legged Kittiwake, Forster's Tern, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Common
Loon, and a Red-necked Phalarope were some of the highlights.

           For those members who wanted to join in the hike around Hutches'
Ponds, the Windermere Basin, and nearby Confederation Park, some of the more
notable species were....Peregrine Falcon, Merlin and American Kestrel, Dark
eyed Junco, Purple Finch, Eastern Kingbird, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Brown
Creeper, Eastern Phoebe, Orange-crowned, Nashville, Northern Parula,
Black-throated Blue (f) Black-throated Green, Palm, Blackpoll, and
Yellow-rumped Warblers were spotted.

       At Windermere Basin, the only shorebird here were a single Killdeer,
and a couple of Dunlin. Duck species..Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal,
Northern Shoveler, Ruddy Duck,  American Widgeon, and a couple of
Pied-billed Grebes. Later in the day we saw three Yellowlegs (sp) flying
over Confederation Park.

           Some members took the drive into Hamilton / Cootes Paradise, in
search of the American White Pelican that's been around most of the week,
they managed to find it, and also saw their first American Tree Sparrows of
the season.

    Overall it was a most enjoyable day, and I hope everyone had as much
enjoyment as I did.


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birding organization.
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