Today at 2:15 PM from the shore near Hutch's at Van Wagner's Beach I watched 
two Short-eared Owls circling high and swooping low, very far out over Lake 
Ontario in a brisk northeasterly breeze.  At first they were so distant they 
were barely visible, and somewhat perplexing to identify even with a scope, but 
eventually they circled their way quite close to shore (well within the wave 
tower).  I watched them for at least 20 minutes, and they were still likely in 
the area exhibiting the same behaviour as I left at 2:45 PM.
Gavin Platt noted a single SEOW circling high at the same location on Oct. 15 
and speculated it was a migrant.  Today's birds were presumably also migrating, 
but they certainly didn't give a hoot about taking the shortest route from 
point A to point B, nor of any potential perils of flying over the cold waters 
of Lake Ontario for such an extended period of time.
I also had one very distant jaeger.
Good birding,
Jarmo Jalava
Van Wagner's Beach is reached by taking Centennial Parkway north from the QEW 
to Van Wagner's Beach Road and heading northwest.   Any location along the 
beach provides good viewing, but a preferred location these days is the 
Lakeland Centre at about 1.5 km point.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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