Hello everyone,

Sunny, calm (in fact, nearly tropical) conditions enhanced the experience for 
many birders from Quebec, Ontario and the U.S. who came to Chambly to see the 
Ross's Gull today. 'Twas a bit of a chase, as the gull was not immediately 
present upon the arrival of three Ottawa and two New York birders at ~ 12:15 
PM. However, there were reports from others that the gull had been seen in the 
AM, and was likely in the sewage lagoons at the municipal composting site 
(Boul. Industriel opposite #2417). At approx. 1:30 the bird was seen flying to 
the lake at Fort Chambly, and it spent approx. 1 hour on the lake before it 
flew back to the lagoons. Our Ottawa contingent saw it (distantly) on the lake, 
then (excellently) on the first pond, where it was feeding with several 
Bonaparte's and Ring-billed Gulls. It was still present when we departed ~ 3:15 
PM. Though there was no staff at the municipal site today, the gate was open 
and birders were able to walk up and have good views of the 1st lagoon.

Thanks to Langis Sirois for the very helpful information he posted to ONTBIRDS 
yesterday, and for the directions below:

For information on recent observations, you can visit the web site of the Page 
des oiseaux rares of the Regroupement Québec-Oiseaux 
 (NOTE: this web site is in French, but Google can translate it well enough).

Directions: from Ontario, either from the 401 or the 417, take the new highway 
30 and exit at highway 10 that is Autoroute des Cantons de l'Est.   Go in the 
East direction on highway 10 and exit at Boul Fréchette ; go North on Fréchette 
and turn right on Boul Franquet, then right on Boul Industriel. To go to Fort 
Chambly, continue on Fréchette to Avenue Bourgogne and turn right on Bourgogne, 
or if you are on Industriel, go North, turn left on Boul de Périgny then right 
on Fréchette and right on Bourgogne.  

Great birding!
Chris Lewis
Ottawa, ON

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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