Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk this morning (Dec 30th), at 9:30 am sitting in a
tree beside the road on the west side of North Rd approx. ½ km south of Hwy


At first thought it was a Snowy Owl but had the foresight to put a pair of
bins in the car which helped prove otherwise at closer inspection. Only
colour on the bird appears to be two thin pinkish stripes on the tail.
Interesting as I’ve never seen a hawk like this before.


There are other red-tails in this location as well as a fully mature Bald
Eagle that my husband and I saw yesterday around 11:00 am.


Kathryn Boothby

kmboot...@sympatico.ca <mailto:kmboot...@sympatico.ca> 


We are located at the southwest edge of Norfolk County approx 14 kms east of
Port Burwell, at the corner of Fairground Road and North Road.




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