Hi Everyone
Just back from a weekend of birding various areas in eastern Ontario. The Snowy 
Owl continues to be found through most of the region in suitable habitat. Today 
on Wolfe Island we counted 13 Snowy Owls all on the west side of the island. 
All individuals appeared to be juvenile birds and very nervous. Most 
individuals flushed easily.  Though the winds were out of the southwest at 
30-35 km's with blowing snow most birds were perched on telephone poles, farm 
buildings and a few on the ground. Also saw 650+ Snow Buntings and a couple of 
Horned Lark. There was no open water except for the ice choked ferry channel. 
Most side roads had numerous snow drifts. On Saturday out in the Ste. Rose area 
there were 10+ Snowy Owls including a very tame individual that didn't flush 
even with 20+ photographers around it. This is likely one of the regularly 
baited Snowy Owls. In the Chesterville area another 5+ Snowy Owls were 
observed. It appears that many of these owls have set up a winter territory sin
 ce they were using the same perches back on December 28th. At the DuPont 
Plant's warm water lagoon there were 2 Mute Swan, 40+ Gadwall, 1 male 
Ring-necked Duck, and 8 American Coot. If you're still looking for Snowy Owls 
check your local airport! While leading a birding tour in Newfoundland and not 
seeing any, I finally got my Snowy Owl for NL while taxiing down the runway. 
When we landed home 3 were present! 

Good birding,

Directions: If you require additional information please email me privately. 

Di Labio Birding Website
Courses and Field Trips

Bruce Di Labio
400 Donald B. Munro Drive
P.O. Box 538
Carp, Ontario
K0A 1L0 
Office 613-839-4395 Cell 613-715-2571
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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