Hey Folks,

Sonje Bols and I had a pleasant morning birding in North Bay yesterday (Feb
3). She had been seeing Bohemian Waxwings feeding on crabapple in Wallace
Heights last week, so we drove around some of the streets and found many
suitable crabapples. We located a flock of waxwings along Wallace Heights
Dr. which contained a half-dozen Cedar and two Bohemian Waxwings.

While watching the waxwings, we heard a vigorously calling Northern
Cardinal. We saw the male bird visiting a feeder on the same street. It was
then joined by another - a rare treat in Nipissing District.

The Northern Hawk Owl along Ouelette Road in East Ferris was present,
giving good but far away (scope) looks as it was being mobbed by Cedar
Waxwings, Purple Finches and Hairy Woodpeckers.

Good Birding!


Waxwings and Cardinal - Take HW 11 to Airport Road in North Bay. Go east on
Airport Road. Make a right at Surrey Dr, followed by a left on Willingdon
Dr, and a right on Wallace Heights Dr. The crabapple and feeder was almost
immediately after the turn. If the waxwings are not here, it is worth
driving around the neighborhood as there are certainly more fruit-laden

Hawk Owl - Take HW 11 to Lake Nosbonsing Rd. Hang a left on Astorville Rd,
and another left on Ouelette Rd. The bird was in a field just past Quae
Quae Rd.
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