The Varied Thrush was observed today at Guelph Lake Conservation Area, first at 
2 PM and again at 3 PM. It was found in second growth scrub growth full of 
dried apples and other berries at the north end of the dam. Photos will be 
posted on the ONT birds facebook page.

The bird fed briefly and then moved back into heavy cover. The  behaviour at  
the second sighting suggested some nervousness with the presence of several 
observers, as it would not come out of cover. The bird later flew down into the 
Speed River Valley and into heavy cover of a stand of conifers.

The location is found on Conservation Drive about 3 km east of Highway 6 north 
of Guelph. The road to the dam is just west of the nature center at the 
conservation area. If the parking lot at the dam is full, there is parking 
available at the nature center, when it is open.

Paul F. J. Eagles,

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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