Hi, Everyone,

With a cold north wind whipping over the bay toward the Presqu'ile Gov't Dock 
and area yesterday morning, there were lots of diving ducks, but few dabblers 
(should have gone to Barcovan Bay apparently according to the Peterborough 
Field Nats).

In the bay, no surprises: adult and imm. Bald Eagles, Canvasbacks, Am. Wigeon 
(two close to the dock among divers), Canada Geese, Mute Swans, Red-breasted 
and Common Mergansers, Redheads, Ring-necks, both Scaup, Common Goldeneyes, 
Buffleheads, White-winged Scoters, Long-tail Ducks, Ring-bill and Herring Gulls.

On land, signs of spring: Great Blue Heron flying north to south over Salt 
Point, Carolina Wren singing away at the location mentioned previously by Fred 
Helleiner, Song Sparrows, Red-wings, and one Common Grackle, as well as the 
usual winter residents.

Good birding, All!

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