Hello Everyone. Hike leaders will be starting daily reports tomorrow, but I thought I'd put an update out for today.
First - the Smith's Longspurs have been seen in the same location as yesterday (Mersea RD 21, North of Road 2). At least three birds were seen this morning. We haven't had any recent reports, but the birds have been moving around the fields quite a bit, so patience may be needed. In additon to the other reports from the park this morning, there is has been a small trickle of warblers including Nashville, Black-burnian and Chestnut-sided. The Western Grebe has not been reported since this morning, though the Eared Grebe was seen by many. Good birding everyone. Sarah Sarah Rupert Interpretive Program Coordinator | Coordinatrice du programme d'interprétation Parks Canada Agency | Agence Parcs Canada Point Pelee National Park | Parc national de la Pointe-Pelée 407 Monarch Lane, Leamington ON N8H 3V4 | 407 rue Monarch, Leamington ON N8H 3V4 sarah.rup...@pc.gc.ca Telephone | Téléphone 519.322.5700 ext | poste 3323 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada experience PROPER AWESOME / vivez l'expérience: PUREMENT GÉNIAL www.pc.gc.ca _______________________________________________ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial birding organization. Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit http://www.ofo.ca/site/page/view/information.ontbirdssetup Posting guidelines can be found at http://www.ofo.ca/site/page/view/information.ontbirdsguide