As most birders search Rondeau, Long Point and Pelee for migrants and
rarities, I spent some time watching migrants further east in Scugog Twp.
26 loons and several large flocks of Canada Geese and 17 Herring Gulls were
noted heading north this morning. A few Ring-billed Gulls were also seen
flying by at great attitude indicating they too are going north to breed.
Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and House Wrens have finally arrived in the
hinterland and it looks like the world's smartest juncos have finally gone
north to breed. Other than that vireos, flycatchers and warblers are still
conspicuous by their absence.

All sightings near the jct. of Reach and Lakeridge in Scugog Twp.
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birding organization.
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