Hi again Ontbirders,

While at the Blenheim sewage lagoons my brother noticed a wet area in the field 
north of the lagoons so we headed up to Allison Line which runs across the 
north side of the lagoons.  Here we had 3 Ruddy turnstone, several Least 
Sandpiper and Dunlin as well as 2 Lapland Longspur ( one a stunning male bird), 
6 American Pipit and 3 Horned Lark.

On a tip we headed to Erieau Rd just north of McGeachy Pond in Erieau and found 
an adult male Snowy Owl on the east site of the road (easiest to stop on 
Internal Line where there's less traffic). 

Good birding,
Frank & Rob Pinilla


The sewage lagoons are on Lagoon Road just north of the Talbot Trail just west 
of the town of Blenheim.

Erieau Rd is the next concession west of Lagoon Rd, head south from Talbot 
trail towards the town of Erieau. 

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