Point Pelee NP Migration Report for May 10.

Quite a few new migrants have arrived again today. So far birding was the best 
from the Tip up to Shuster Trail along the east beach. Birds were bug-hunting 
high and low in the brush along the beach. At least 20+ species of warbler are 
being seen.

At the Tip a LITTLE GULL , and BLACK SCOTER were seen flying near the shore. 
Also a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD was traveling along the west side at the Tip.

Walking the east side at the Tip, people were finding many species. These 
included a BELL'S VIREO 400 m north of the Sparrow Field, SUMMER TANAGER north 
of the path over from the 42 sign, CANADA WARBLER, RED-HEADED WOODPECKER, 

Just south of the Sparrow Field there was a YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER. A second 
one was reported from bridge E on the Woodland Nature Trail. And a third one 
was found along the east beach about 800 m south of Shuster Trail. 

We just had a report of the first PHILADELPHIA VIREO of the year along the east 
beach just south of Shuster Trail. 

A GRASSHOPPER SPARROW was again reported from the Sparrow Field.

A good group of birds was also reported from Tilden Woods. The most notable was 
a CERULEAN WARBLER. Many thrushes were also noted.

An OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER was heading south through the Woodland Nature Trail. 

Good Birding,
Festival of Birds Hike Leaders: Pete R, Karl, Todd, Justin, John, Sarah, 
Jean, Jeremy, Ken, Geoff, Ian, Chris, Dave, Peter M, and Claire

The Festival of Birds runs from May 1-19 - for a detailed schedule visit 
For highlights and other update follow us at www.twitter.com/PointPeleeNP
The Festival is brought to you by  Parks Canada - Point Pelee National Park 
and the Friends of Point Pelee.  Hikes are generously supported by Quest Nature 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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