I just returned from an extended visit to Pinery Provincial Park, May 20 to May 
30, 2014. This is a report of some of the more interesting bird sightings.
SANDHILLS CRANES are a daily occurrence in the park. Rumor has it that they are 
nesting in the wetlands near Port Franks just south of the park.
RED-HEADED WOODPECKER numbers are down this year. I heard them only twice, and 
did not find them in all their usual nesting spots.

PILEATED WOODPECKERS were observed every day.
TUFTED TITMOUSE is common throughout the park.
MOURNING WARBLERS are back in their usual spot in the thick vegetation near the 
Riverside Trail.
WHIP-POOR-WILL is heard every night.
COMMON NIGHTHAWK has a breeding territory just east of the Big Burleigh Burn 
(old controlled burn that got out of control and killed mature Black Oaks, 
along the Burleigh Campground Road). The male does territorial flights most 
BREWSTER'S WARBLER found in the Big Burleigh Burn. It interacted with another 
warbler, but an id of the other individual was not confirmed. I suspect it was 
a Blue-winged Warbler.
YELLOW-THROATED VIREO is common in the oak forests throughout the park.
BALD EAGLE nest has 2 fully grown young. The nest can be seen just south of the 
Burleigh Campground bridge over the Ausauble River. New leaves are quickly 
obscuring the nest.
INDIGO BUNTING males can be found singing in many spots, but for sure in the 
Big Burleigh Burn.
OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER singing on May 28 and May 29 at the Big Burleigh Burn 
area. PINE WARBLERS  singing in the same area. At least 3 nests of BLUE-GRAY 
GNATCATCHERS found in the park.
SCARLET TANAGERS are common in the park, with males singing in many locales.
Many species of wood warblers found during the visit period, but most have 
moved through now.
Pinery Provincial Park is accessed off Highway 21 between Grand Bend and Port 
Franks, on Lake Huron.

Paul F. J. Eagles
37 Hughson Street
Branchton, Ontario. N0B 1L0

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