Posting for Joanne Redwood who is on scene in the Bruce Peninsula.

For the past three days there has been a RED KNOT on the Oliphant Beach.
The bird was first discovered by Alfred Raab on the 27th. Joanne Redwood is
vacationing in the area and saw the bird yesterday, and has just finishing
getting excellent photos of it today as well.

Directions to the bird:

Take Hwy 6 just north of Wiarton turn onto Bruce Road 13 and go all the way
to the end. Bruce Road 13 turns into Oliphant Way.You will come to a large
sign that says Oliphant and the fishing islands. Turn right to Shoreline
Ave. Go to the end of the paved road. The area on your left when you reach
a gravel road is North Oliphant Flats.

A scope will be helpful as will boots because it is quite muddy. The Knot
is associating loosely with a group of Black-bellied Plovers though it also
forages for extended periods by itself. It has an injured leg and has a
limp, though it has no trouble flying. There is some discussion as to the
age class of the bird.

The Knot could be anywhere left of the gravel road, so as helpful markers
look for the other Plovers and also a group of Caspian Terns and it should
be in the area.

Len Manning for Joanne Redwood on the Bruce
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