LPBO Sightings Board 30 September to 10 October

The October floodgates opened last week with a significant movement of 
temperate migrants accompanied by the last of the tropical ones. Diversity and 
numbers of Waterfowl, Raptors, and other waterbirds continued to build and 
there was a great mix of shorebirds throughout the week. The activity began 
October 5th as thousands of Yellow-rumped Warblers funnelled onto the point 
accompanied by more than 20 other warbler species, most vireos, thrushes, 
Scarlet Tanager, and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. By the end of the week the mix 
had shifted almost entirely to temperate migrants with kinglets dominating the 
woodlot along with Hermit Thrush, Dark-eyed Juncos, White-crowned, 
White-throated, and even the season's first Fox and American Tree sparrows. 
2,631 birds of over 60 species were banded at LPBO this past week.

Tundra Swan - The first three of the season were observed October 10 and 11 
Redhead - As many as 4000 have been making near daily flights from the Inner 
Bay to Lake Erie throughout the week (LPBO).
Red-throated Loon -One was observed flying south over the Tip on census October 
6 (DLL).
Horned Grebe -A raft of 300 were observed off the Tip October 10 (LPBO).
Double-crested Cormorant - 5,000 were observed at the Tip October 7 (LPBO).
Great Egret - One was observed flying west over the Tip October 4 (ACC, FHC), 
five were observed flying over Old Cut October 5 (JJC), and a single at Old Cut 
October 10 (LPBO).
Golden Eagle - One first basic was observed 5 km southwest of Simcoe October 5 
Hudsonian Godwit - One was observed at the Tip October 3 (DLL, SMS).
Dunlin - The first of the season was observed at the Tip October 1 (SMS, ELC) 
and others were observed throughout the week (LPBO).
Baird's Sandpiper - A lingering individual was last observed at the Tip October 
1 (LPBO).
Parasitic Jaeger - A first basic dark phase was observed at the Tip October 2 
Bonaparte's Gull - Numbers have been increasing throughout the period with 
2,000 observed at the Tip October 7 (LPBO).
Little Gull - Two were observed at the Tip October 7 (DLL).
Laughing Gull - A definitive basic bird was observed at Port Dover on October 4 
Lesser Black-backed Gull - A first basic bird was observed at the Tip October 3 
and 7 (LPBO).
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - High numbers were observed at the Tip with 16 and  15 
observed at the Tip on October 5 and 6, respectively.
Northern Saw-whet Owl - The first of the season for Old Cut was banded October 
9 and small numbers have been banded at the Tip and Old Cut since (LPBO).
Eastern Whip-Poor-Will - One individual was observed on census at Old Cut 
October 4 and one bird was flushed from the Tip October 4 & 5(LPBO) and one was 
banded at the Tip October 10 (LPBO).
Red-headed Woodpecker - Individuals were observed at Old Cut and the Tip 
October 9 (LPBO).
Northern Flicker - A high of 263 were observed at Old Cut on October 9 (LPBO).
Peregrine Falcon - One was banded at the Tip October 11 (LPBO).
Warbling Vireo - A late individuals was observed in the new provincial park 
October 6 (BF, BC).
Philadelphia Vireo - A late individual was observed in the new provincial park 
October 6 (BF, BC).
White-eyed Vireo - First of the season was observed on census at the Tip 
October 1 (SMS).
Purple Martin - One was observed at the Tip October 8 (DLL).
Tree Swallow - Two were observed October 8 (SMS), and 30 were observed at Old 
Cut October 11 (SAM).
Hermit Thrush - 259 were estimated to be at the Tip October 9 (LPBO).
Wood Thrush - One was observed south of Delhi October 5 (MF).
Orange-crowned Warbler - Numerous individuals were observed and banded 
throughout the period (LPBO).
Hooded Warbler - One individual was observed October 8 and a first basic male 
banded October 9 at Old Cut (LPBO).
Northern Parula - A significant push moved through the area this last week with 
numerous banded and observed with a high of 15 observed at Old Cut and the new 
Provincial Park October 6 (SAM, BC, BF).
Yellow-rumped Warbler - Tens of thousands moved through Long Point this last 
week with highs of 830 and 968 at the Tip and Old Cut on October 8 and 9, 
respectively (LPBO).
Warbler Hybrid (Pine x Myrtle) - A first basic bird was banded at the Tip 
October 5 (LPBO).
American Tree Sparrow - First of the season was observed at the Tip October 4 
Vesper Sparrow - One was observed at the October 3 to 5 (DLL, LPBO).
 Nelson's Sparrow - An individual was observed at the Tip October 6 and 10 
Scarlet Tanager - Individuals were observed at Old Cut and the new Provincial 
Park October 5 and 6 (SAM, BC, BF).
Indigo Bunting - A large push moved through the area on October 5 with over 20 
observed at Old Cut (SAM).
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - A late first basic male was observed at Old Cut 
October 5 (SAM).
Bobolink - 5 late individuals were observed at Old Cut October 5 (SAM).
Eastern Meadowlark - The first migrants were observed at Old Cut October 5 and 
6 (SAM, JJC).
Rusty Blackbird - Small flocks have been flying past Old Cut daily with a few 
birds residing at the Tip since October 1 (LPBO).
Purple Finch - Low numbers persisted throughout the period (LPBO).
Pine Siskin - Numbers continued to build throughout the period with 108 and 73 
on October 5 and 8, respectively (LPBO).

Angela Caguazango (ACC), Barb Charlton (BC), Janice Chard (JJC), Emma Cushnie 
(ELC), Myles Falconer (MF), Brett Fried (BF), FlorHernedez (FHC), Dayna LeClair 
(DLL), Tim Lucas (TL), Stu Mackenzie (SAM), Jim Mackiewicz (GJM), Linda 
Mackiewicz (LHM),Nancy Raginski (NMR), Shawn Sullivan (SMS), Adam Timpf (APT).

Season to Date Banding Totals:

Old Cut - 2,652
Tip - 2,730
Breakwater - 1,331

Countdown to 1,000,000 = 945,809 !

Explore the Long Point Birding 
Updates of the birds in the area can be viewed through 
eBird<http://www.ebird.ca> on LPBO's main 
web-page<http://www.birdscanada.org/lpbo>. You can help contribute to sightings 
in the Long Point area by submitting your sightings to 
eBbird<http://www.ebird.ca> or by sharing them with us at 
l...@birdscanada.org<mailto:l...@birdscanada.org>. The Old Cut Research Station 
is open to the public every day until November 15. For more information on the 
research, education, and training programs of LPBO select this 
link<http://www.birdscanada.org/lpbo> and check out the 2013 LPBO Program 
Report<http://www.bsc-eoc.org/library/LPBOreport.pdf> or LPBO 
E-news<http://www.birdscanada.org/download/LPBOenews.pdf>. Your best source for 
information about the birds and birding sites around Long Point can be found in 
A Birding Guide to the Long Point Area by Ron Ridout available 
Directions to Long Point can be found here: - 

Good birding,

Stuart A. Mackenzie
Motus Wildlife Tracking System Manager
LPBO Program Manager
Long Point Bird Observatory - Bird Studies Canada/Etudes d'Oiseaux Canada
PO Box 160, 115 Front Rd. Port Rowan, Ontario. N0E 1M0.
(519)-586-3531 X 162(office), Fax:586-3532, Mobile:820-6040

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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