Ontario Birders,

Fall migration started to show signs of weakness this last week, at least in 
terms of most landbird migrants. In other respects things are just getting 
started. There have been approximately 25,000 Redhead on the Inner Bay 
accompanied by a smattering of most dabbling ducks. Another 10,000 Greater and 
5,000 Lesser have been inhabiting the Outer Bay. Small numbers of Long-tailed 
Duck and all three Scoters have been observed at the Tip or on the Outer Bay. 
Numbers of Tundra Swans and Sandhill Cranes are building on the Inner Bay, Big 
Creek Marsh, and fields along Front/Lakeshore Rd. Numbers of Northern Harriers 
rose substantially and Rough-legged Hawks made nearly daily appearances in the 
region. 5 Golden Eagles were observed at the BSC headquarters on November 1. 
The river of blackbirds has been impressive peaking at about 575,000 grackles, 
blackbirds and starlings n October 27. Numbers have since declined to about 
150,000 individuals later in the week. A regular stream of subtle late 
 migrants have been making their way off the point daily such as American 
Pipit, Eastern Bluebird, and Eastern Meadowlark. High numbers of Pine Siskin 
and Purple Finch have also continued to move through consistently.

Cackling Goose - Three were observed at Old Cut October 27 (APT, TJT).
Canvasback - A high of 280 were observed at Old Cut October 25 (LPBO).
Redhead - A high of 26,477 were observed at Old Cut October 24 (LPBO).
Red-breasted Mergansers - A high of 6810 were observed at the Tip October 28 
Red-throated Loon -A high of 12 were observed at the Tip October 28 and one on 
October 30 (LPBO). One was off the Long Point Provincial Park November 2 (SAM).
Common Loon - A high of 188 were observer at the Tip October 28 (LPBO).
Horned Grebe - Between 30 and 78 were observed at the Tip daily throughout the 
week. A high of XXX were observed on the Outer Bay October 30.
Red-necked Grebe - One was observed at the Tip October 28, two on 29, and one 
on 30 (LPBO). Two were off the Long Point Provincial Park November 2 (SAM).
Golden Eagle - Five (4 first basic, one adult) were observed over the Bird 
Studies Canada headquarters on November 1 (SAM).
Northern Goshawk - The first migrant of the season was observed at the BSC 
headquarters October 24 (JRA).
Red-shouldered Hawk - Two were observed at Old Cut and the Tip October 27 (HBM, 
American Golden Plover - One was observed at the Tip October 24 (LPBO).
Black-bellied Plover - Two were observed at the Tip October 31.
Ruddy Turnstone - One first basic individual was in the Long Point Provincial 
Park November 2 (SAM).
White-rumped Sandpiper - Two were at the Tip October 30 (LPBO).
Pectoral Sandpiper - One was observed at Lee Brown Wildlife Management Area 
October 30 (APT)
Parasitic Jaeger - One was observed at the Tip October 28 (LPBO).
Little Gull - One flew over Old Cut on November 1 (LPBO).
Black-legged Kittiwake - One first basic was observed at Gravelly Bay October 
30 (APT, SAM).
Glaucous Gull - One was observed at the Tip November 1 (SMS).
Red-headed Woodpecker - One first basic was observed at the Tip October 30 
(LPBO), and two different definitive basic individual was observed in 
Forestville and Turkey Point November 1 (SAM).
Hairy Woodpecker - One was banded at Old Cut October 30 (LPBO).
Snow Bunting - Small numbers have been at the Tip throughout the period with 
highs of 30 on October 30, and 80 at the Long Point Provincial Park November 2 
Ovenbird - A record late individual was banded at the Tip October 28 (LPBO).
Nashville Warbler - One was banded and another observed at Old Cut October 30 
and one was banded October 31 (LPBO).
Chestnut-sided Warbler - One record-late male was banded at Old Cut November 2 
'Oregon' Dark-eyed Junco - One female was in the Long Point Provincial Park 
November 2 (SAM).
Common Grackle - A high of 400,000 at Old Cut on October 27 (LPBO).
Red-winged Blackbird - A high of 145,614 at Old Cut October 27 (LPBO).
Rusty Blackbird - A high of 148 were observed at Old Cut October 25 (LPBO).
Season to date banding totals:

Old Cut - 4,209
Tip - 4300
Breakwater - 1,331
Countdown to 1,000,000 birds banded = 949,516

Jody Allair (JRA), Janice Chard (JCC), John Glazebrook (JGK), Dayna LeClair 
(DLL), Stu Mackenzie (SAM), Shawn Sullivan (SMS), Adam Timpf (APT), Tom 
Thalthuber (TJT), Long Point Bird Observatory (LPBO), Mick Wright (MTW).

Explore the Long Point Birding 
Updates of the birds in the area can be viewed through 
eBird<http://www.ebird.ca> on LPBO's main 
web-page<http://www.birdscanada.org/lpbo>. You can help contribute to sightings 
in the Long Point area by submitting your sightings to 
eBbird<http://www.ebird.ca> or by sharing them with us at 
The Old Cut Research Station is open to the public every day until November 15. 
For more information on the research, education, and training programs of LPBO 
select this link<http://www.birdscanada.org/lpbo> and check out the 2013 LPBO 
Program Report<http://www.bsc-eoc.org/library/LPBOreport.pdf> or LPBO 
E-news<http://www.birdscanada.org/download/LPBOenews.pdf>. Your best source for 
information about the birds and birding sites around Long Point can be found in 
A Birding Guide to the Long Point Area by Ron Ridout 
 available here<http://www.birdscanada.org/shopping/shop.jsp

Directions to Long Point are available here - 

Stuart A. Mackenzie
Motus Wildlife Tracking System Manager
LPBO Program Manager
Long Point Bird Observatory - Bird Studies Canada/Etudes d'Oiseaux Canada
PO Box 160, 115 Front Rd. Port Rowan, Ontario. N0E 1M0.
(519)-586-3531 X 162(office), Fax:586-3532, Mobile:820-6040

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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