Dick Tafel and I surprisingly saw a Brambling on McIntyre Street West this 
afternoon around 2 pm.  The owner of the home where we saw it says it has been 
around his property since this morning. It is feeding on sunflower seeds on the 
ground, often with a large flock of Evening Grosbeaks, but sometimes by itself.

The owner says those who want to see it can view it in his yard at the side of 
his house.  However, because he has tenants, the driveway cannot be blocked.  
Park on the other side of the street or elsewhere near the home.

The home is located at  1025 McIntyre Street West,  on the left side at the end 
of McIntyre Street West, just  after crossing Cormack Street.

I was able to take some photos through a glassed screened door. If you want to 
see a photo,  please email me directly.

Renee Levesque
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