Presqu'ile's 50th Count was held on Sunday Dec 14th with 29 participants.  
Weather was cloudy but mild, with temperatures above zero and all but the 
smallest still water ponds were open.  The northern part of the circle had 
about 3 inches of snow cover but the half near Lake Ontario was snow free.  
Participants were able to cover a lot of ground, and they needed to as birds 
were widespread and hard to find.  It felt like a low to average count and the 
13,557 birds counted was slightly down from the 20-year average of 16,000, 
mostly due to lower waterfowl numbers.  But the 79 (+ 5 Count Week) species 
found was higher than the 20 year average of 75 species and as always after the 
tally some surprises and interesting trends were noted.
Common birds found in all 11 count areas included Canada Goose, Red-tailed 
Hawk, Mourning Dove, Downy Woodpecker, Blue Jay, American Crow, Black-capped 
Chickadee, American Tree Sparrow and Dark-eyed Junco, while Rock Dove, Pileated 
Woodpecker, White-breasted Nuthatch, Northern Cardinal, and American Goldfinch 
were found in 10 of 11 areas.   These common birds were responsible for a 
couple of new record highs (old record and year in brackets).

Dark-eyed Junco - 709 (649 - 2013)
White-breasted Nuthatch - 125 (105 - 1999)
Pileated Woodpecker - 20 (14 - 2010) - Is this increase a result of Emerald Ash 
Borer that has recently been detected within the circle?
Other birds having record high counts were:
Glaucous Gull - 8 (7- 2008)
Northern Raven - 11 (7 - 2009) - this count aided by a deer? carcass that 
attracted half the birds counted
Snowy Owl - 11 (10 - 2013) - the second year in a row a big irruption is 
While the 5 Winter Wrens ties the record high from several other years.

A new bird for the count was a count week Turkey Vulture (1), while the Lesser 
Black-backed Gull (1) was the first for us on count day - the only other record 
was a count week bird in 1998.
Other unusual birds for us:
Lapland Longspur (1 count week ) - 3rd record in last 20 years
Fox Sparrow (1) - 3rd record in last 20 years
Hermit Thrush (1) - 3rd record in last 20 years
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (2) - 3rd record in last 20 years
White-crowned Sparrow (1) - 4th record in last 20 years

Other birds represented on the count by a single individual included Lesser 
Scaup, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Merlin, Purple Sandpiper, Eastern Screech Owl, Great 
Horned Owl, Belted Kingfisher, Northern Flicker, Carolina Wren, and Purple 
Finch.  Other notably low counts were Starlings (328), the lowest since 1976 
(is anyone disappointed?), Wild Turkeys (5), lowest since 2000 and Common 
Redpoll (26), in the years they show up they have only once had a count under 

Many thanks to all the participants, especially those that contributed food to 
the post-count tally and to Maureen Riggs who organizes the whole thing.
David Bree (compiler)

David Bree
Sr. Natural Heritage Education Leader
Presqu'ile Provincial Park
328 Presqu'ile Parkway
Brighton, ON.
K0K 1H0
613 475-4324 ext 225<>

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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