The 36th North Bay Christmas Bird Count was completed on December 14th by 18 
Field Watchers and 10 Feeder Watchers. Weather was mild.  Field Watchers 
enjoyed surveying on foot and with open car windows.  Feeder Watchers commented 
that there were fewer than normal birds feeding.  However, the species total 
(34) and total birds counted (2835) are healthy averages for the effort put 
forth. No records were broken, but two highs were matched: Bald Eagle (6) and 
Song Sparrow (2). Notable species which do not always make the count but were 
observed this year include: Common Goldeneye (2), Common Loon (2), Rough-Legged 
Hawk (3), Herring Gull (5), Gray Jay (2), Brown Creeper (1), Snowy Owl (1), 
Bohemian Waxwing (82), Song Sparrow (2), White-Throated Sparrow (5), Northern 
Cardinal (2), Common Grackle (6), Pine Grosbeak (16), Hoary Redpoll (1). 
Observed during count week were Canada Goose, American Robin and American Tree 
 Higher than usual count was obtained for Mallard (578), Bald Eagle (6), 
Pileated Woodpecker(15), and Common Redpoll (436). Lower than expected counts 
were tallied for Downy Woodpecker (9), Northern Shrike (0), Dark-Eyed Junco 
(0), and American Goldfinch (10).
 Recovered from a low count in 2013 were Hairy Woodpecker (32), American Crow 
(52), Black-Capped Chickadee (579), Red- Breasted Nuthatch (18), White-Breasted 
Nuthatch (26), and Evening Grosbeak (53).
Counts of the day were tallied at the home of the Co-ordinator where great food 
and tales of the day's adventures were shared.  One group shared a photo of a 
White-Crested Polish chicken observed foraging in a driveway of a home on Trout 
Lake. However, the finest story was that provided by an Area Leader who had 
been called to a residence the day before CBC to assist with a Common Loon in 
distress. The Loon, for reason not known, had become grounded in a snow covered 
yard, far from water  (just about all of which is now frozen).  Our member was 
able to relocate the Loon (which was apparently uninjured) to some remaining 
open water in Trout Lake at the inlet of Lee's Creek.  This same Area Leader 
observed a Common Loon fishing in  this same open water for the tally on CBC 
day!        Compiler, Lori Anderson                                         
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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