These are the results of the 28th Woodhouse CBC held on December 14th 2014.
The Woodhouse CBC is centred 7 km east of Simcoe, at the crossroads of
Highway 3 and Cockshutt Road at Renton in Norfolk County and roughly
covers from
Port Dover to Waterford and just west of Simcoe to east of Jarvis.


The weather this year was certainly different from last year. Last year had
a significant snow cover, this year none. There was some drizzle overnight
and the day was overcast with occasional light drizzle but this had stopped
by mid morning. Most of the standing water was free of ice. Temperatures
varied from a low of +2 when owling to a high of +5 during the day.

Total Species: 90 + 1 Count Week

(average for the last 28 years = 81, average for the last 10 years = 85)

Total Individuals: 22,028

(average for the last 28 years = 28,889, average for the last 10 years =

# of participants: 34


Ross's Goose 3

Barred Owl 1

RECORD HIGH - (previous high)

Turkey Vulture 6 (=peak count)

American Green-winged Teal 8 (=peak count)

Merlin 4 (=peak count)

Pileated Woodpecker 6 (=peak count)

Carolina Wren 15 (=peak count)

Common Yellowthroat 1 (=peak count)

RECORD LOW: (previous low)

House Finch 108 (= lowest) Average 239


American Coot 1 (7th Record)

SPECIES ABOVE AVERAGE (last 10 year average)

Great Blue Heron 10 (5)

Mallard 5237 (1861)

American Black Duck 312 (171)

Gadwall 23 (15)

Hooded Merganser 23 (15)

Ruddy Duck 30 (7)

Coopers Hawk 14 (9)

Mourning Dove 799 (666)

Eastern Screech Owl 49 (34)

Downy Woodpecker 115 (92)

Blue Jay 509 (345)

Black-capped Chickadee 514 (442)

White-breasted Nuthatch 97 (68)

Golden-crowned Kinglet 43 (28)

Northern Mockingbird 6 (4)

Swamp Sparrow 26 (18)

White-throated Sparrow 31 (25)

Northern Cardinal 263 (212)

Common Grackle 14 (3)

Brown-headed Cowbird 1001 (431)

Pine Siskin 157 (68)

SPECIES WELL BELOW AVERAGE (last 10 year average)

Tundra Swan 7 (67)

Redhead 129 (550)

Greater Scaup 60 (141)

Lesser Scaup 15 (180)

Common Goldeneye 97 (154)

Common Merganser 117 (687)

Red-breasted Merganser 218 (715)

Northern Harrier 7 (13)

Wild Turkey 38 (131)

Bonaparte’s Gull 89 (109)

Ring-billed Gull 561 (1210)

Rock Pigeon 488 (644)

Great Horned Owl 3 (6)

Yellow-shafted Flicker 5 (9)

American Crow 478 (768)

Horned Lark 18 (211)

American Robin 1 (16)

European Starling 936 (1809)

Cedar Waxwing 10 (66)

American Tree Sparrow 610 (915)

Song Sparrow 47 (59)

White-crowned Sparrow 6 (13)

Red-winged Blackbird 4 (27)

House Finch 108 (239)

Common Redpoll 3 (30)

American Goldfinch 200 (309)

House Sparrow 729 (934)



Ruffed Grouse 5th year in a row

Snow Bunting


Common Loon 1 (7th record)

Cackling Goose 3 (6th record)

Snow Goose 1 (9th record)

Wood Duck 2 (8th record)

Northern Shoveler 2 (7th record)

Long-tailed Duck 1 (3rd record)

Short-eared Owl 1 (Third time on count day since 2000)

Chipping Sparrow 1 (9th record)

Eastern Meadowlark 1 (4th record)


Common Loon 1

Great Blue Heron 10

Turkey Vulture 6

Mute Swan 4

Tundra Swan 7

Canada Goose 6000

Cackling Goose 3

Snow Goose 1

Ross's Goose 3

Wood Duck 2

Mallard 5237

American Black Duck 312

Gadwall 23

Northern Pintail 3

Northern Shoveler 2

American Green-winged Teal 8

Redhead 129

Greater Scaup 60

Lesser Scaup 15

(Scaup Spp) 1

Common Goldeneye 97

Long-tailed Duck 1

Bufflehead 220

Hooded Merganser 23

Common Merganser 117

Red-breasted Merganser 218

Ruddy Duck 30

Bald Eagle 6

Northern Harrier 7

Sharp-shinned Hawk 7

Cooper's Hawk 14

Red-tailed Hawk 101

Rough-legged Hawk 12

American Kestrel 17

Merlin 4

Ring-necked Pheasant 1

Wild Turkey 38

American Coot CW

Bonaparte’s Gull 89

Ring-billed Gull 561

Herring Gull 163

Great Black-backed Gull 14

Rock Pigeon 488

Mourning Dove 799

Eastern Screech-Owl 49

Great-horned Owl 3

Barred Owl 1

Short-eared Owl 1

Belted Kingfisher 3

Red-bellied Woodpecker 27

Downy Woodpecker 115

Hairy Woodpecker 13

Yellow-shafted Flicker 5

Pileated Woodpecker 6

Northern Shrike 5

Blue Jay 509

American Crow 478

Horned Lark 18

Black-capped Chickadee 514

Red-breasted Nuthatch 15

White-breasted Nuthatch 97

Brown Creeper 8

Carolina Wren 15

Golden-crowned Kinglet 43

Eastern Bluebird 55

American Robin 1

Northern Mockingbird 6

European Starling 936

Cedar Waxwing 10

Myrtle Warbler 1

Common Yellowthroat 1

Eastern Towhee 1

American Tree Sparrow 610

Chipping Sparrow 1

Field Sparrow 2

Song Sparrow 47

Swamp Sparrow 26

White-throated Sparrow 31

White-crowned Sparrow 6

Slate-colored Junco 1029

Northern Cardinal 263

Red-winged Blackbird 4

Eastern Meadowlark 1

Rusty Blackbird 3

Common Grackle 14

Brown-headed Cowbird 1001

Purple Finch 3

House Finch 108

Common Redpoll 3

Pine Siskin 157

American Goldfinch 200

House Sparrow 729

Total 90 Sp + 1 Count Week
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