Heading back to Toronto from visiting my in-laws, we found two large flocks
of snow buntings around 4:00 today. The first was at the NE corner of
Highway 10 and Dufferin Rd. 9 (Dundalk turn-off). We then drove east on Rd.
9 and found a second flock just west of village of Badjeros.

Going south on Hgy. 124, however, we did not find any of the snowy owls
reported yesterday by James H, who reported 3 in the north of Shelburne
area. However, we did have 2 Rough-Legged Hawk sightings over the past few
days - one was on Highway 10 a bit south of Orangeville on Dec. 26, and the
other this afternoon on Highway 4 about 4-5 kms East of the town of Durham.

Good birding and Happy New Year!

Jack and Frances Alvo



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