Hello Everyone:

Dave Moffat and I scouted parts of Haldimand County today on behalf of Dave
Milsom who will be leading the Haldimand OFO trip this Sunday, Feb 22.
We found a total of exactly 25 Sandhill Cranes along the (West) River Road
in two separate fields south of Cayuga.  They were feeding thru the snow in
non-corn fields. Other highlights included a Tufted Titmouse at the Ruthven
feeders, 10 species of Ducks in the Caledonia "Rapids", and numerous
excellent displays by Rough Winged and Red Tailed Hawks along River Road
and near the Nanticoke Power Station.  The most common bird of the day was
the American Tree Sparrow, seen almost everywhere.  34 speicies.

Directions for the Cranes:  From Cayuga, head downstream (SE) along the
(west) River Road.  When you see the first Wind Turbine, look to the fields
to the west.  The cranes were about 500 metres NW of the turbine.

Many thanks,


R.W. Bullock, MD,CCFP(EM)
Emergency Physician, Hamilton Health Sciences
Associate Clinical Professor, McMaster University

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