The American Avocet spend most of the day feeding on the grassy point at the 
mouth of Pinecrest Creek, where it was easily viewable from Britannia Point (at 
the east end of Cassel). Unfortunately, shortly before 8PM two birdwatchers 
flushed the bird when they walked through the marsh, then compounded their 
error by standing at the site for 15 minutes, thus ensuring that the bird did 
not circle back to resume its spot. The actions of these two birdwatchers 
directly contradicted the OFO code of ethics by disturbing the natural 
behaviour of the bird, and may well have denied others the chance to see this 
great bird. If the bird returns, and lets hope it does, please do not access 
the site via the creek; perfectly good, if distant views, can be had from 
Britannia Point.                                          
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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