Holiday Beach Conservation Area
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 27, 2015

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Turkey Vulture              19            507            507
Osprey                       0             64             64
Bald Eagle                   0             99             99
Northern Harrier             4            287            287
Sharp-shinned Hawk          44           4196           4196
Cooper's Hawk                0             44             44
Northern Goshawk             0              0              0
Red-shouldered Hawk          0              0              0
Broad-winged Hawk            6          16121          16121
Red-tailed Hawk             12             90             90
Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
Golden Eagle                 0              0              0
American Kestrel             1            796            796
Merlin                       1             31             31
Peregrine Falcon             1             11             11
Unknown Accipiter            1              6              6
Unknown Buteo                0             13             13
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Falcon               0              1              1
Unknown Raptor               0              8              8
Swainson's Hawk              0              1              1

Total:                      89          22275          22275

Observation start time: 07:30:00 
Observation end   time: 13:00:00 
Total observation time: 5.5 hours

Official Counter:        Cindy Isenhoff

Observers:        Cramer, Jim McCoy, Michael Williamson

For such a beautiful day, visitors seemed scarce in the park today
overall...maybe they were all at cider mills picking apples.  We had
several couples and families stop by all from Ontario who stayed briefly
and then wandered on.

Haze and clouds filled the skies for the early hours.  Winds were quite
variable today but most times very light from the south and east.  By mid
morning the sun was out and the afternoon temperatures warmed to 26.7C
making it quite warm on the tower.  Clouds began to move back in by 1pm.

Raptor Observations:
The South and SE winds made for a poor raptor flight in quantity, but we
did have 8 species represented including all three falcons.  The last hour
of the count today was a lone Merlin (Juv) who came in low over the trees
east of the tower and took not one, but 3 passes at our Great Horned Owl
decoy.  This was quite a treat!  Earlier there was a lone Peragrine Falcon
who came in right off the lake and may have considered for just a minute
that owl decoy, but decided it wasn't worth the effort and kept on his
flight path.

Non-raptor Observations:
Blue Jays were on the move for several hours today totalling 6450.  The
marsh has quite a variety of ducks present this morning including:  7 Wood
Duck, 33 Gadwall, 20 American Wigeon, 45 plus Mallards, 4 Northern
Shovelers, 5 Common Gallinule & over 800 American Coot.  Also spotted in
the marsh were: 5 Great Egret, 4 Great Blue Heron, 1 Green Heron, 10
Pied-billed Grebes, & several dozen Double-crested Cormorants.  Several
warbler were seen from the tower including Black-poll, Common Yellowthroat,
and Wilson's.

Warm and partly sunny with winds from the SSW.
Report submitted by Cindy Isenhoff (
Holiday Beach Conservation Area information may be found at:

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