Despite the less than stellar conditions with very high winds, 26 birders
uncovered exactly 70 species by trips end. Down 11 from last year, but
given the wind, I thought we may have a chance at the fewest # seen on an
OFO outing.

Passerines were difficult to nail down, and some very common species were
missed as a result. These included Am. Goldfinch, Downy Woodpecker, and
House Finch.

The highlight of the trip was discovered by yours truly at Windermere
Basin. Just as we were about to leave, I scanned the shoreline one last
time and discovered a sub-adult PARASITIC JAEGER resting on one of the
small islands in the basin. The bird was studied in scopes for about 6 or 7
minutes and then, as if on cue, stretched its wings, flew around the basin,
and directly over our heads at close range. Excellent looks and photos were
taken, and this was a life bird for about half the trip attendees.
2 young LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULLS were seen at various times at Hutch's,
one decidedly more mottled than the other.

Other highlights included:

Eastern Meadowlark at Windermere Basin
Merlin(f) at Windermere Basin and another(m) at Van Wagners Ponds
9 Common Terns at Tollgate Pond and 1 at Windermere Basin
Ruddy Turnstone near the CCIW seen after lunch by some observers
Black-bellied Plover and Sanderlings at Windermere Basin
a very late Yellow-bellied Flycatcher at Van Wagner's Ponds

I thank everyone that attended, and Andrew Don, Dan Macneal, Kevin
Shackleton, and Wayne Renaud for their assistance in getting others on the
birds, and I thank Dave Milsom for organizing all of the OFO field trips.

Participants e-bird checklists will be completed and shared by tomorrow
morning. If I miss you, please send me a reminder.

Until next year

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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