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Apologies for the late post...
Today between noon and 1 pm I had a juvenile Pacific Loon off the tip of the 
point at Rock Point Provincial Park. 
The bird was distinctly smaller than the ~12 Common Loons with which it was 
associating, initially quite close to shore (~350-400m? out), but over the next 
20-25 minutes the flotilla drifted/swam to perhaps 1 km out, and beyond, diving 
frequently, but staying on surface long enough to note: rounded head; straight 
bill, shorter and narrower than COLOs'; head held horizontal; grey nape paler 
than blackish back; sharp, straight division between blackish sides of neck and 
white front of neck (not doubly-jagged like COLOs') except for faint dusky 
narrow chin-strap. 
 I tried to get photos, but by then it had moved too far out on the lake. By 
the time I left the look-off (with the great viewing bench) there was only one 
COLO swimming in the water off the point, although loons appeared to be moving, 
far out on the lake in both directions, for much of the day.
Other birds on the lake included a single fly-past Red-throated Loon, several 
Horned Grebes, a single Surf Scoter, lots of White-winged Scoters and an 
assortment of other diving ducks and gulls.
Good birding,
Directions:  Rock Point P.P. is south of Dunnville along Haldimand Road 3, then 
east on Niece Road about 2.5 km to the park entrance.  The park is closed to 
vehicles.  It's 2 km south to the point viewing area from the park entrance (I 
road my bike), although it can be reached more quickly from the south end of 
Downey Road on the east edge of the park, but that's the access area for 
waterfowl hunting.

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