Around 1:00pm, while scoping the Niagara River from the intersection of 
Wintemute Street & Niagara Pkwy, I spotted the Black-headed gull that was found 
a couple days ago by Alec Humann on Unity (formerly Squaw) Island on the U.S. 
side. This may also be the same bird discovered by Josh Vandermeulen last month 
at Niagara-on-the-Lake.

The bird flew out of one of the water tanks from the treatment plant on Unity 
Island with some Bonaparte's Gull's and landed mid-River. 

Patience (and a scope) is definitely required as there are numerous Bonaparte's 
gulls on the river. Look for a bird with much more extensively dark primaries 
on its underwing vs. the BOGU.

Directions -

Take the QEW to Central Ave exit at Fort Erie. Exit at Central and drive to the 
Niagara Pkwy along the river. Drive north on Niagara Pkwy for a few km to 
Wintemute St. Park on Wintemute and scope from the grass along Niagara Pkwy. As 
a landmark, this is effectively located at the International Railway bridge.

David Pryor

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