The Toronto Christmas Bird Count was held on Sunday, December 20. It was a
brisk day but clear. 150 participants counted 84 species; respectable
diversity in spite of the fact that bird numbers were down overall.

The bird of the day was a LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL found by Jean Iron on
the eastern edge of our count circle. This species has only been detected
on 3 other Toronto CBCs.

*Other Noteworthy Species*

There were no rarities seen yesterday but the following birds were unusual:

RED-NECKED GREBE: 2 (Seen on 13 previous CBCs)

DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT: 2 (Seen on 9 previous CBCs)

BONAPARTE’S GULL: 2 (Seen on 8 previous CBCs)

*Record high numbers were seen of the following species.  Some of

these were expected in light of known range expansions, whereas others were

TRUMPETER SWAN: 28. (numbers are increasing annually).

WOOD DUCK: 7 (previous high was 4).

GRAY CATBIRD: 2 (single individuals were seen in 1951,1968,1987,& 2014).

COMMON RAVEN: 19. After the recent breeding success of these birds in
Toronto, it was expected that they would be present, but the numbers seen
across the city were astounding, and included a sighting of an “unkindness”
of 10!

There were unusually high numbers of CANVASBACK (16), HERRING GULL (2089),

*Unusual lows were also observed for a number of species*

Common Mergansers were well down; the mild winter may be keeping them north
for now. Only 1 Belted Kingfisher was seen, and kinglets and waxwings were
very low.

Ivor Williams, Garth Riley, Howard Shapiro, and Mark Field helped out with
compilation and logistics.  Many thanks to all volunteers!

Happy Birding!

Emily Rondel- CBC Compiler & TOC Records Councillor
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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