Abnormally cold temperatures this week preserved extensive deep snow and
mainly ice-covered lakes and ponds.

New arrivals included: Sharp-shinned Hawk (April 13); Killdeer,
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Northern Flicker, and Eastern Meadowlark (April
14). Single Northern Shrikes were seen at the Airfield on the 8th and 14th.

A Nocturnal Owl Survey between the East Boundary and Eucalia Lake on the
13th recorded Great Horned Owl (1 site), Barred Owl (1 site), and Northern
Saw-whet Owl (3 sites).


Spruce Grouse: Try Opeongo Road and Spruce Bog Boardwalk.

Black-backed Woodpecker: Try Opeongo Road and Spruce Bog Boardwalk.

Gray Jay: Spruce Bog Boardwalk and along Opeongo Road continue to
produce this species.

Boreal Chickadee: Two were observed near the recycling facilities in Mew
Lake Campground on the 13th.


Purple Finch: A few were seen at various sites, including East Gate, Visitor
Centre, Spruce Bog Boardwalk and Found Lake.

Red Crossbill: Single birds calling in flight were noted at the Airfield and
Spruce Bog Boardwalk on the 14th.

Common Redpoll: One was at the Visitor Centre on the 13th, and there were
12 at the Airfield and one at Spruce Bog Boardwalk on the 14th.

Pine Siskin: This finch continues to be widespread. For example, an
estimated 530 were noted along the highway on the 9th, and there were
170 on the 10th and 90 on the 12th at the Visitor Centre.

American Goldfinch: There were two at the East Gate on the 8th.

Evening Grosbeak: Numbers are dwindling. There were 10 at Spruce Bog
Boardwalk and 15 at the Visitor Centre on the 9th, but just two at both the
Visitor Centre and the Airfield on the 14th.

Birders reporting records through eBird are encouraged to share their lists
with the Algonquin Park Bird Records account (APPbirds).

Ron Tozer
Algonquin Park Naturalist (retired)
Dwight, ON
Algonquin Provincial  Park is three hours north of Toronto, via Highways
400, 11 and 60. Follow the signs which start in Toronto on Highway 400.
>From Ottawa, take Highway 17 to Renfrew, then follow Highway 60 to the
park. Kilometre markers along Highway 60 in the Park go from the
West Gate (km 0) to near the East Gate (km 56).

The Visitor Centre exhibits and restaurant at km 43 on Highway 60 are open
on weekends from 9 am to 5 pm. On weekdays, there is access to the exhibits
and limited services (including light snacks, coffee and other drinks) from
9 am to 4 pm.
Your park permit and Information Guide (with a map of birding
locations mentioned here) are available at the East Gate, West Gate and
Visitor Centre.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

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