A dozen OFO members enjoyed a sunny day birding sites east of Ottawa. First up, 
Petrie Island, a former sand mine now conservation area. There, a short walk 
produced Common Loon and a woodpecker concert, culminated by an impressive 
Pileated drum solo. Next up, Mer Bleu, a relic bog conveniently transected by a 
boardwalk. Emily B got us on the target bird, a beautiful Eastern Palm Warbler. 
This species is an exceptionally rare breeder in Ontario with only two known 
breeding stations, of which Mer Bleu is one. Further on we picked up another, 
which entertained the group by singing from nearby Black Spruces. The cattails 
surrounding the bog produced two vociferous Virginia Rails which sadly declined 
a viewing. A flock of sparrows near the car park compensated by providing views 
of a leaf raking Fox Sparrow, among many soon-to-depart American Tree Sparrow. 
Nearby fields along Smith Road allowed distant and fleeting views of a pair of 
Sandhill Crane, a local breeder; better still was a la
 rge flock of Snow Geese along Frank Kenny Road, estimated at 1,500. As most of 
the geese were white phase, and due to the presence of some smaller birds, we 
assumed this flock to be mostly Greater. Our final stop was at the Giroux Road 
ponds which held an assortment of duck chief among which, Bufflehead and 
Ring-necked Duck. While in general there were few migrants, an active Great 
Horned Owl nest, complete with downy owlet, was a highlight for many. Many 
thanks to Bernie Ladoucer for co-leading and e-bird scribing.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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