Highlight of OFO Pelee Island Weekend


The 24 participants of the OFO May 6 to 9 weekend outing to Pelee Island
under the leadership of Martin & Kathy Parker observed a total of 123
species of birds even through north winds persisted and it was a slow

The highlights include

American White Pelicans - roosting on western end of Middle Island (viewed
with scopes)

American Avocet (7) - landed in front of the group at the tip on Sunday a.m.
then flew off.  Photos were taken.

Bald Eagle - pair doing spiral earthwards with clutched talons at least 6

Black-bellied Plovers - on Sunday several flocks totally over 300+

Whip-poor-will - one calling on Sunday night

4 species of Vireos

22 species of Warblers including Golden-winged, Northern Parula, Tennessee,
Hooded, Cape May

One participant reported an early Connecticut Warbler


Participants enjoyed swarming warblers at the Lighthouse Point on Saturday
afternoon as many species kept parading by stationary observers providing
excellent viewing opportunities.


Good food and social time enjoyed by all as well.  


Repeat weekends on Pelee being planned for 2017.


Martin & Kathy Parker, Trip Leaders



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